My remake of Burntime

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Registriert: 16.11.2005, 21:48

My remake of Burntime

Beitrag von Stalker114 »

The Falltime. extended continuation
Hi all.
My name is Maxim. I'm from Russia.
I much like game - Burn Time. She one of my favourites.
I have solved to do remake of this game.

The New features of the game:

1) Now will possible build buildings in city (e.g. In film MAD MAX)

2) Basic strategic elements. (The Disease, meal, water, population gain etc.)

3) Character now has extended rpg elements (Strenght, Harisma and more spec. abilities)

4) Will much more cities and caves.

5) More objects

PS: Now i only finished main UNSTABLE engine :( BUT WORK BOILS!!!
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Registriert: 27.01.2004, 22:59
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitrag von phoenix »

interesting... another burntime-remake.
any screenshots yet? ;)
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Registriert: 16.11.2005, 21:48

Beitrag von Stalker114 »

It is VERY EARLY version of the game.
Your game more looks like RPG. But my game - strategy with role-playing elements.

Zuletzt geändert von Stalker114 am 20.11.2005, 17:13, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: 25.04.2005, 10:07
Wohnort: Nähe Berlin
Vaxx Valentine’s avatar

Beitrag von maVado »

interesting :)

any chance you can share a build private?

With Burntime 2047 I add the game more roleplay elements than the orginal, also with a touch of strategy.
2047 - Scavengers of the Wasteland - Alpha verfügbar! - EA 02/2025
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Registriert: 16.11.2005, 21:48

Beitrag von Stalker114 »

maVado hat geschrieben:interesting :)

any chance you can share a build private?

With Burntime 2047 I add the game more roleplay elements than the orginal, also with a touch of strategy.
Burn 2047 looks pretty:) And interesting

I want to do strategy, also with a touch of roleplay.
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Registriert: 25.04.2005, 10:07
Wohnort: Nähe Berlin
Vaxx Valentine’s avatar

Beitrag von maVado »

if you like the original graphics here is the original tileset I ripped a while ago :)
2047 - Scavengers of the Wasteland - Alpha verfügbar! - EA 02/2025
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Registriert: 16.11.2005, 21:48

Beitrag von Stalker114 »

maVado hat geschrieben:if you like the original graphics here is the original tileset I ripped a while ago :)
Big Thanks.
I must use that
Thanks again.
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Registriert: 04.01.2006, 18:58

Beitrag von Judukan-Empire »

Looking great... hope there will be more guns .. maybe a crossbow !
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Registriert: 16.01.2006, 08:39

Beitrag von xak »

Hi, Stalker! I'm from Russia too!! :) Nice to see another Burntime fan here!! And the men who want to remake The Game!

I'd rather wanted to make kinda feature request:

1)The main thing that i disliked in burntime (except the AWFUL pathfinding) is FIXED main/location maps! The Game has potential but the maps once discovered are not interesting (especially with the things like "broken radio" found always at the SAME places)! So The Remake obviously needs the RANDOM maps generation (before starting new game)! (Especially if you always realised the custom building feature (Great!))

2)Of course i think that much more makable (by technicans) items should be there… (Ah, Mustang!)

What i rather don't like to see is more RPG elements! I think it must be simplier. Like in WarLords2 or let' say (sigh.....) "Master Of Magic"! (maybe combat system needs t be like the MoM's)

3)More item slots needed (maybe by technicans only)

What i liked much in Burntime: You don't know will mutant pass away or will atack you... It's great that when exploring wasteland you don't know who's friendly to you and who's not. I think that NPC should act the same.

And the last thought is about the simplicity. As game designers all of you know that the one of most important things is the Balance beetwenn the Depth and Simplicity. Please do not complicate The Remake...
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 16.11.2005, 21:48

Beitrag von Stalker114 »

xak hat geschrieben:Hi, Stalker! I'm from Russia too!! :) Nice to see another Burntime fan here!! And the men who want to remake The Game!

I'd rather wanted to make kinda feature request:

1)The main thing that i disliked in burntime (except the AWFUL pathfinding) is FIXED main/location maps! The Game has potential but the maps once discovered are not interesting (especially with the things like "broken radio" found always at the SAME places)! So The Remake obviously needs the RANDOM maps generation (before starting new game)! (Especially if you always realised the custom building feature (Great!))

2)Of course i think that much more makable (by technicans) items should be there… (Ah, Mustang!)

What i rather don't like to see is more RPG elements! I think it must be simplier. Like in WarLords2 or let' say (sigh.....) "Master Of Magic"! (maybe combat system needs t be like the MoM's)

3)More item slots needed (maybe by technicans only)

What i liked much in Burntime: You don't know will mutant pass away or will atack you... It's great that when exploring wasteland you don't know who's friendly to you and who's not. I think that NPC should act the same.

And the last thought is about the simplicity. As game designers all of you know that the one of most important things is the Balance beetwenn the Depth and Simplicity. Please do not complicate The Remake...
More information and more screenshots avalible on:
You may write your post in my forum (in russian lang please:)
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Registriert: 23.01.2006, 16:56
Wohnort: Leer(Ostfr.)

Beitrag von wustbonbon »

intresting thing, Falltime.

reminds me to Fallout, good old RPG-stuff.

send all progresses to the forum, please.

is it your only project?.
The Fall