Meat just got a lot more cheaper, bro!

for english speaking people
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 24.08.2008, 02:37

Meat just got a lot more cheaper, bro!

Beitrag von Zalewa »

I created some Let's Play videos of Burntime recently and while I was playing this I encountered a rather annoying problem:

This screenshot was made early in the game (almost in the beginning):

However, these screenshots were taken late in the game, past day 330:

I don't know what the heck has happened but it seems that inflation is worse than during communism! Suddenly all food became extremely cheap. I couldn't buy anything, and this didn't only apply to the meat but to all kind of food. The funny thing is that when I tried to buy a piece of meat from a trader then the price was as usual. Also in bars or restaurants the value was the same. Traders simply stopped to accept food as a method of payment. Since I remember playing way past day 300 previously when I was still able to buy stuff with food I reckon I fell a victim of a bug of some kind.

Some facts:
  • Amiga AGA version from Back to the Roots site. This is obviously a cracked version of the game that doesn't require any password. I installed it on the HDD in WinUAE.
  • Difficulty level: II
  • All opponents were dead at this point and I was in control of almost every location (minus Rest Stop and both factory locations).
  • I had no meat traps. All of this meat comes from killed dogs. I rushed the game. It is actually possible to win the game on Amiga without using food as a barter currency since computer players have a nasty habit of spawning infinite number of knives for their soldiers. No, really:
So, is this a bug or a feature?
Beiträge: 637
Registriert: 09.10.2005, 14:53
Wohnort: Mainz

Re: Meat just got a lot more cheaper, bro!

Beitrag von juern »

Hi Zalewa!

Although I have not seen this by myself I have read about others having the same problem. I believe it does not happen with the PC version you can download from this page.
I do not know if it is originally intended or a bug. The only thing I am sure of is that it got removed in some (later?) versions.

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 24.08.2008, 02:37

Re: Meat just got a lot more cheaper, bro!

Beitrag von Zalewa »

Everything would be just fine with the PC version if not for the stupid fact that each travel takes exactly one day. It completely removes the need to prepare yourself for the journey. The game is too easy and the computer characters are very tedious to kill - constant jumping through the same two locations just to get the other guy to die from hunger/thirst == not fun.
That's why I prefer the Amiga version.

If anyone here understands Polish here's my Let's Play: ... E84809C160
Beiträge: 637
Registriert: 09.10.2005, 14:53
Wohnort: Mainz

Re: Meat just got a lot more cheaper, bro!

Beitrag von juern »

The one day travel is not in all PC versions. I always play a PC version with normal travel (2 and more days) and without inflation.

Either the German or the English download from this page should have normal travel. If it is the German version you can easily replace the language by copying all .txt files from the English one.
Beiträge: 93
Registriert: 04.09.2005, 14:23

Re: Meat just got a lot more cheaper, bro!

Beitrag von Timeburner »

never had that problem with my pc version.

the only bug I know is that i cant drink the filled Glass Water Bottles bought from Traders.

Traveling takes 1-4 days.