This screenshot was made early in the game (almost in the beginning):

However, these screenshots were taken late in the game, past day 330:

I don't know what the heck has happened but it seems that inflation is worse than during communism! Suddenly all food became extremely cheap. I couldn't buy anything, and this didn't only apply to the meat but to all kind of food. The funny thing is that when I tried to buy a piece of meat from a trader then the price was as usual. Also in bars or restaurants the value was the same. Traders simply stopped to accept food as a method of payment. Since I remember playing way past day 300 previously when I was still able to buy stuff with food I reckon I fell a victim of a bug of some kind.
Some facts:
- Amiga AGA version from Back to the Roots site. This is obviously a cracked version of the game that doesn't require any password. I installed it on the HDD in WinUAE.
- Difficulty level: II
- All opponents were dead at this point and I was in control of almost every location (minus Rest Stop and both factory locations).
- I had no meat traps. All of this meat comes from killed dogs. I rushed the game. It is actually possible to win the game on Amiga without using food as a barter currency since computer players have a nasty habit of spawning infinite number of knives for their soldiers. No, really: